
Baptism of infants, or children younger then age of 7, is the first step that parents take that begins a process of life formation for their children.  In Baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit, and put on Christ, becoming an adopted Child of God!  Parents state Baptismal vows for their children, committing to raise their child in faith.  Through Baptism, our sins are forgiven, we are initiated into the Church, and share a common foundation among all Christians.

*These are the guidelines when choosing godparents for your child:

    1. You only need 1 Godparent, but if you choose 2, one must be female and one must be male.
    2. Godparents must be fully initiated into the Catholic church; baptized, confirmed, and received the Holy Eucharist.
    3. Godparents must be at least 16 years old.
    4. Godparents may not be a parent of the child.
    5. You may also choose a Christian Witness that is baptized into another Christian Tradition; as long as one of the adults is fully iniated into the Catholic church.

Our parishes require parents to participate in a Baptism Preparation Session, preferably before the child is born.

Adults and children over the age of 7 wishing to be baptized experience a process called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  This process culminates at the Easter Vigil with receiving all 3 Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Mass.

To schedule a baptism, contact Kathi Andreoni at 262-878-3476 or