Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of Healing. Through this sacrament, we receive God’s loving grace and mercy that reconciles our relationship with Him. Reconciliation includes a process of confession (bringing forth our sins), contrition (true sorrow for these sins), absolution (forgiveness given through the priest in persona Christi), and penance (retribution for sins).
The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday from 4:00-4:40pm before the 5:00 pm Mass. The sacrament of Reconciliation is also offered by appointment by calling the Parish Office.
1st Reconciliation: Children preparing to receive Reconciliation for the first time are required to be enrolled in either a religious education program or Catholic school one year prior to, as well as the year of preparation for the sacrament they will be celebrating. Preparing for reconciliation is not only for the child, but for the family as well. Second-grade parents will receive information in fall for preparation sessions. If your child is enrolled in a higher grade but has not yet received this healing sacrament, please contact the North Office to work out a preparation schedule.