Faith Formation-General Information

Kenosha-Racine County Line Catholic Parishes

Welcome to KR Catholics Family Faith Formation!

We are pleased that you have chosen to enroll your child in Faith Formation. Our program is meant to SUPPORT and NURTURE the faith that you share with your child in the home. Religious Education classes alone cannot instill faith in your child, nor is it the purpose of this program to do so. When your child was baptized, the Church community promised to assist you in the responsibility of being the vital link between your child and God. We assist you in bringing your child to faith by providing formal catechetical instruction, modeling a Christian lifestyle, and by leading your child to experiences of faith in Sacramental celebrations and stewardship. However, the values and attitudes established in your home define the faith of your child. Your child is being formed by YOUR FAITH, the faith which you live in your home.

KR Catholics Faith Formation staff and catechists take the commitment to work with you very seriously. We will pray with you and for you, as together we share responsibility for the spiritual development of each child. We rely on your support in our effort to pass on Catholic tradition and values to your children.

May God guide and bless all of us on our journey of faith,

The KR Catholics Faith Formation Staff

Deacon Anton Nickolai, Parish Director


Grades K-5 – The Faith Formation Team assists the Catechists in teaching an appreciation and understanding of Catholic faith, traditions, and practices. There is a strong emphasis on liturgy and the ways in which we are enriched by Scripture. Catechists offer students a variety of prayer experiences and opportunities for Christian service to others. Although Reconciliation and Eucharist are first celebrated in the second grade, a focus on understanding and celebrating the fullness of the Sacraments is in all the grades.

Kari Leaf (For Second Grade)        E-Mail:                                 Phone: 262-878-3476

Sandy Kress                                  E-Mail:                  Phone: 262-878-3476

Jennifer Erich (St. John)                 E-Mail:                                        Phone: 262-878-3476     


Middle School, Grades 6-8 – The Faith Formation Team assists the Catechists to walk this journey of continued faith formation. The many components of these classes provide time for catechesis, social gatherings, liturgy, and service. It will be a time to gain a stronger foundation and encounter the living Christ. 

Corinne Dillon                                    E-Mail:   Phone: 262-878-3476

Jennifer Erich (St. John)                 E-Mail:                                        Phone: 262-878-3476     

High School, Grades 9-11 Our goal is to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today, drawing them to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. Catechists walk this journey of continued faith formation culminating in the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in grade 11. It is our hope that this will support and companion them into their Catholic adulthood.

Corinne Dillon                    E-Mail:                   Phone:  262-878-3476

12th Grade Connect

This program is designed for High School Seniors to continue to explore their faith in a small group setting. The group will meet once a month. Will attend 10:00am Mass at St. Robert followed by discussion and then fellowship. The topics for discussion will be designed by the group. 

Corinne Dillon                    E-Mail:                   Phone:  262-878-3476

Young Adults

KR Catholics provides faith sharing groups, spiritual events, and social events for young adults who are approximately in their 20’s and 30’s.  This group supports one another as they continue to grow in their Catholic faith.  They meet monthly throughout the year.

Kari Leaf                                              E-Mail:                                      Phone: 262-878-3476   

Young Families

A community to help you and your babies, toddlers, and children walk and grow in faith together. We will offer events geared towards parents who have young children (approximately kindergarten and younger). Both parents and their children will have activities to enjoy!  Older siblings are welcome to come as well.

Kari Leaf                                               E-Mail:                                     Phone: 262-878-3476   

Adult Formation, and RCIA:

Faith Formation is a continual process and does not end with Confirmation. We offer a variety of programming from Bible studies, small group discussions and prayer opportunities. We are focused on bringing converts into the Catholic Church through the RCIA process. For additional information, contact the office, visit our website, or grab a bulletin. 

Kathi Andreoni  E-mail:                                                             Phone: 262-878-3476