Youth Ministry

KR Catholic Youth Ministry

Corinne Dillon    262-620-5379

Goal: To help the teens become disciples of Jesus Christ by walking their faith in the world that surrounds them. This is done by serving in the church community and seeing the needs in the world. The activities are designed for experiences that leads to them developing a relationship with Jesus Christ which will enable them to learn more about their Catholic Faith and how we are called to love and service each other. This program is meant to enhance and reinforce what is learned in the Religious Education Classes.

Participants: Open to grades 6th -12th and their friends. Young Adults (ages 18-21) can help with programming and develop their leadership skills by doing so. Adults over the ages of 21 who have their safeguarding, code of ethics and background check are needed to chaperon and transport the students.

2023-2024 Schedule of Activities

Bingo: Service is an inportnant part as who we are as Christians. This year we will be playing Bingo at Oak Ridge Nursing Home on the second Saturday of the month. This is a great individual or family service project. Click on the link below for more details.

Bingo Sign Up

12th Grade Connect: this program is designed for students in 12th grade to continue to explore their faith. We will meet the second Sunday of each month after the 10 am St. Robert Bellarmine Mass. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. 

12th Grade Connect Sign Up

Holy Hill Youth Rally: this is an Amazing event for students in 6-12 grade. The schedule consists of worship, dynamic talks, activities, Mass, Adoration and Confession. Click on the link below for more details and to sign up.

Youth Rally Sign Up

For questions or to sign up contact Corinne Dillon: 262-620-5379 or

Individual ways to get involved: if you are interested in making one of the following into a group project (5 or more) please let Corinne know.

  • Church Service: Festivals, Alter Serving, Lector, Usher / Greeter, Choir member or Teachers Aide
  • Human Concerns and Parish Life